Thursday, February 08, 2007

Red Zone

I didn't think that I would get so frustrated with this play. I know that I get perturbed with some of Tiana's behaviour on a usual basis, but I take it with a grain of salt. Today, I could feel myself heating up like an atomic pile. I was just about ready to shout out for silence, but that would be counterintuitive. I don't know if it was just a matter that I wanted to get on with it, and get out, or if I just couldn't stand the criticism to everyone in general and to some individuals, or if I was just perturbed with the performance of everyone else. The fact that I'm in the chorus is kind of good, but not. The entire chorus looks bad if one person looks bad.

It might also be the fact that we are going to be performing in a little over five weeks. We are running out of time, and unless we get things right, and right now, we are not going to be able to perform. Plus I'm a little put out that some people have not done choir singing before, and therefore do not know how to get the proper lung volume necessary for loud sound. Loud and in tune. There's the rub.

I am very tempted to get another cell phone. It would be a Nokia 3220, and I would prefer that it was on PayGo. I know that Fido does not carry that model of phone, but that's just the point. It's on the Rogers network, and we could put it under a $100 voucher that is good for one year. Rather than getting minutes month after month, once a year, or maybe every 10 months. A lot easier on the mind.

1 comment:

Budgie said...

get a 2610. the 3220 is lame. or better yet....get a real phone.
