Monday, October 06, 2008

Get ready to Write and Roll!

I finally took a look at the notes I made on some dreams I had back in
June. I'm very glad that I wrote down as much as I would think of,
because I realized that I forgot a lot of details: the calendar wall,
who said what, character descriptions, teleportation, the
'Koble-Bjoti' switch, and the radio equipment. This is shaping up to
be an excellent story.

Plus, I found some notes I took on another one of Cailtin's dreams,
and she thought it was one of mine, because she didn't remember
telling me about this dream. I'm glad I dated when it was I wrote all
those details down!

Speaking of crazy stories, Caitlin and I sat down to watch some
'Heroes' tonight. I know that there is another episode on right now,
but that's what VCRs are for. Yes, VHS is an ancient concept, but it
still works! Plus, I figured I could afford to plunk down $20 for a
few cassettes rather than $500+ for a PVR. Not as nice, not as
convenient, but within our price range. I suppose the fact that we
got the recorder for free adds another level of frugality to it.

But I am certainly intrigued by some of the story twists that have
occured so far. I'm not sure how Season 2 went, but I heard that it
was pretty bad. What do you expect? It was right before the Writer's
strike! Of course you're going to get cream of the crap! I'm
thinking of renting it from Roger's a disc at a time, or just save $5
a week, and then go and buy it. Torn am I. Do I want to use my
finances to procure something that I'm quite sure I'll enjoy, but may
be not worth my investment? I did buy "Bring It On," but I got it
used, and it is slated for resell, as soon as I get that box off to EB
Games or something.

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