Friday, June 11, 2010

Road to recovery

Funny to think that I need group therapy of some sort at this point.
Actually, it's not funny at all, because I think that's what's been
missing for some time now. I was trying to get a reference from my
doctor to go back to the clinic, which I haven't been to in years, but
that has yet to turn results.

Then the other day, Tuesday 8 June 2010 to be precise, I found that
perhaps the kind of therapy I need you don't get at a hospital. The
LDS Addiction Recovery Program is available to all, is free to attend,
and you do not need to have a reference to attend. I was considering
attending for some time, but after a conversation with my wife, we
both came to the conclusion that I should go to these LARP sessions.

I might have just crossed a geek line, but that's ok. I say that
because though I was very intimidated to attend this meeting, it was
ultimately very much worth going! I plan to attend next week as well.

The funny thing is the last time I went to this ARP meeting, I found
it very frustrating, and I recognized someone there. I then felt very
much like I shouldn't be there, plus the structure of the meeting I
found to be (at the time) very pointless. This time though, I went by
myself, and walked through that door with the confidence that I wanted
to be there because I needed to be there.

It was a great uplifting experience and I'm going to do my best to
study the workbook that I picked up.

Oddly enough, I lost that buzz when I came home and turned on Glee.
After I managed to sit through the episode, I tweeted the following:
"Finally satthrough an episode of #Glee. Mightget more of the CDs.
Why? Because the musical talent of this show outweighs the acting."

1 comment:

Shirley said...

Thank you for sharing your experience. Keep it up. I really enjoy your writing. To read something that makes me stop and ponder is well worth reading! That's what I like about your writing. It shows great depth.