Thursday, August 24, 2006

All by Myself

Somehow my mind seems to float on the Chirs Columbus production of Home Alone. At first when Kevin discovers that he's home alone, it's awesome! He runs around the house screaming, jumping on beds, and riding his sled down the stairs and into the snow. I did none of the listed things, but I did stay up until 4am this morning watching random crap on YouTube. The weird thing is that I only slept for three hours, and then I was awake, and couldn't go back to bed. I did take my meds, so I don't think I'm going on an upswing right now, but it was a little odd. I'm going to try to get to bed a little earlier tonight.

The other somewhat freaky thing is keeping the store together. Albeit, LD isn't that tough of a place to hold down, but it is a little daunting to be in charge.

"First rule of management... everything is your fault" - Hopper, A Bug's Life, Pixar, 1997

Keeping tabs on everyone, making sure that things get done, and most of all, making sure that the customers leave the store happy are responsabilities that get added to the pile of making sales, troubleshooting, and receiving shipment. I'm just glad that Liz talked me through closing yesterday. That was a lifesaver, especially backing up the system. Somethings are assumed that you know, and it's also assumed that if I don't know, I'll figure it out. One thing I learned the hard way, is that it's important to close the batch each night! Sure you'll get impressive numbers the second night, but then it gets a little whacked to get the DR right. Bleh.

I have yet to recieve an email from my wife, who is in Banff still, and will be there until Sunday. We have spoken on the phone a couple of times, but I do not look forward to seeing the phone bill, since all the calls have been collect. Still, it does feel good to hear her voice. It would be nicer if we were together, and it would be great if I was still in Banff with her.

The time I spent in Banff felt like I was there to hurry up and relax. If there is such a thing. I spent more time relaxing at the Orr's and the Pierce's than I did during the five hours I was in Banff. Or maybe it was six. Nevertheless, it wasn't much. I wish I could have been there overnight at least. If we had our own car, that could have worked. As it was, it didn't. Fortunately for me, I was able to get rides from my sisters who were planning on going to Banff, and Liz lives downtown, so it wasn't difficult for me to get to the bus on time. I was still tired when I got on that bus though. Hence I didn't correct the blantent error of @@, instead of 22, in the date. I thought it was appropo.

Anywho, I should get off to bed. I still want to finish Calculating God before the week is out. It's quite a read, and it's also very thought provoking. I do believe in God, so it's kind of gratifying to see this athiest get hit over the head by aliens that have scientifically proven the existance of God. Hee hee.

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