Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Cursing count rises

The following was written at 11:00pm August 7, 2006
I don't know if I'm cut out to be management material. Today we had a couple come in who wanted a refund on a purchase. They had the original receipt, and we had no trouble getting the Visa refund to work. Trouble started when they wanted a receipt. Policy dictates that we have to hold onto the originals, and give the customers a photocopy if they really need it. We can do photocopies, but we have to tape the receipts to a blank piece of 8.5x11 paper to feed through the fax. But I fed the paper into the fax wrong, so we got two pages of black smudge. Now the customers are telling me that I'm wasting their time and that I don't need to do this. I should just give them a receipt, and then we can make our own copy on our own time. Then the machine ran out of paper. No problem, just feed some more in, while I get the yellow receipt attatched. Up to this point, I was doing ok. Then the customer mentions that they still need the receipt for not only the refund, but the original purchase. Another thing to tape down, nothing major. I got a bit short when the customer told me to take the staple out of the receipt because it wouldn't feed properly if I didn't. I tore the staple out, and a sizable chunk of the receipt with it. Then I swore, and instantly felt ashamed for doing it.

When I fed the paper into the fax, I didn't realize that I had improperly secured the tension plate. I thought it had something to do with the Printer film, which was also running low. I was very frustrated at this point, and subsequently left the store in search of some place where I could find a copier that worked. I cursed again when I found that the place I went previously for copies was closed for holiday Monday. Thankfully, the Bell booth was kind enough to accomidate me, free of charge. I gave the customers the yellow receipts, and we kept the photocopy. Half an hour to get that fixed, and the fax was still on the fritz. Stayed on the fritz until close too. The sad thing was, I didn't care.

Oh yeah, then there was the fire alarm that blared for 20 minutes because it couldn't be turned off until the fire department came. Grrr...

Good thing the DR balanced, or I might have put my fist through something.

There was happy elements to this day. First, it ended. Second, Caitlin and I were able to go down to Beaumont and visit with the Tolleys, and Caitlin didn't get nauseated on the way there because we travelled there in a 2006 Dodge Calibur. A rental, of course, one of the nice things about being over 25. Hee hee. It's going to cost about $90, hence we don't rent a car very often. Good food, good company, a good DVD episode of Futurama, a haircut for Caitlin, and a couple loads of laundry, plus the fact that we'll be able to get to sleep in a cool bed tonight. I think it was worth the trip.

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