Friday, March 09, 2007

I think I'm turing Japaneese

It's one thing to have the costume. It's quite another to have the right look in the face!
This bronze layer was supposed to give a more Asian look. Just made me, and everyone else on the cast, look like they spent a few days in the sun. Not all that japaneese.
Even with the eyeliner and lip outline I still look like someone who just got back from vacation in Miami. Actually, with the eyeliner, it would almost seem that I went to San Franciso. Hey now!
This is me getting my hair dyed. Caitlin took careful attention just to get my head in this picture, as I was not wearing a shirt during the dying procedure. It's interesting to note that the dye turned my skin blue, not black. Looks kind of green in the picture, but that might be the camera, or the fact that I need to get some sleep. I thought that was a little odd at first, since the colour was "Midnight Black", but perhaps not.
At rehearsal, one of the cast members told me of the same plight that involved her scalp taking on a different tone.

This time around, we went for no foundation, and just eyeliner, rouge on the cheeks, and lipstick. Don't I look pretty?
Only in the theatre. Anywhere else and this would be perceived as a loss of manliness. Since it is within the realm of theatrics, it's just passed off as silliness.

Nevertheless, I find this new hair colour brings out the dark side in me. The following picture says it all.
Move over Marilyn Manson, psycho boy has come to spread the crazy.

1 comment:

Budgie said...

please dont kill me in my sleep!