Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Always read the fine print

I was hoping that I would be writing a review about a fabulous keyboard that I got for my iPAQ 3950. Silly me did not remember what the model number, and therefore model series, of my PDA was. I knew that it was a part of the Compaq iPAQ series and it was somewhere in the 3000 series. After I bought it, brought it home, installed the software, had the device set up and ready to go, nothing happened. I thought that maybe the battery that came with the device was a dud, so I put in some of my own that I knew had a charge. Still nothing. Possibly the infrared part was not matching up with the transmitter, so I searched for, and found, the box. The solution to my problem was printed right on the box. My PDA is a Compaq iPAQ 3950, part of the 3900 series, not supported by the keyboard. At least I still have the receipt, and there is a 30-day exchange policy.

I have not lost faith though. I simply searched thought the online catalog for the Source. I found a Bluetooth keyboard, but that was all. My PDA doesn't have Bluetooth connector, so there was nothing else for iPAQ that I could get at work. So I tried something a bit more daring. Something I have never tried before. I went to eBay. Boom. I am currently the highest bidder, but I do hope that this will solve my situation. I had the hope that I could get the keyboard so that I would be able to take notes easier when school starts up again. That and make blog entries on the go.

1 comment:

Budgie said...

What time is it when you can't find a keyboard for your pda?


Time to get a BLACKBERRY!!!
(p.s. Betchur wife would like a cell phone ;) )