Saturday, August 05, 2006

A regrettable, yet ordinary, day


I know that I'm forgetful. When I was in Greece, Elder Jens Wolf told me that it wasn't an ordinary day unless I forgot at least one thing. Since that day, I have found that to be true. One day I forgot a belt for my work pants. Another day, I was about to get on my bike to ride to work when I realized that I was still wearing my slippers. There was even a time on my mission when I forgot my name tag, bus pass, and contact list.

Today has achieved a new status, because I was worried that this would happen to the point that I had a dream about it. I am typing this up at the food court at Westmount Mall, although I'm supposed to be at work, because I forgot the keys to the store! I was given the keys yesterday, and instead of putting them in my pocket, as I should have, I absent-mindedly put them in the office desk drawer. Hence, they're in a safe place. So safe that unless my manager and I find the other person with the spare set of keys, we will have to call a locksmith. Or we could wait until the person with the keys drops by, which could be at 11am or 5:30pm. We don't know. That's why my manager turned around to go home and find the contact number for this guy. We have opened late before, so this isn't really a bad thing. But this is not very good either! I had a nightmare, and it came true. Oie.

But those previous blunders had happy endings, more or less. Even without a belt, I was able to make it through the day, two days actually, of hiking my pants every few minutes. I was just outside my apartment building door when I looked at my feet and saw my American Eagle footwear instead of my black work shoes. Although I had to walk 20 minutes back to my apartment with my somewhat frustrated companion, there was no trouble to get the things I forgot.

I just hope this turns out the same way, because this is certainly an ordinary day.

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