Saturday, August 05, 2006

Tomorrow is another day


No word for Mher, an appointment with Lock Surgeon tomorrow at 10am, and some good food is all we have to show for today. We couldn't get Lock Surgeon to come by any earlier than 8pm, and the mall would have been locked down for the night at that point. We just made an appointment for tomorrow before the store opens. You would think that I would have called the other locksmith operation in the city after that, but didn't. I was kind of flustered today. Hopefully the smith won't break the lock, but we won't know until tomorrow. What's done is done, and the only thing lost was the day's sales. Considering that some customers went to Kingsway to get their shopping done, it wasn't a total loss for the company.

Nevertheless, I am not going to make my comissions this pay period, and hence I put in a request for a transfer. Ryan is considering putting me up at Londenderry. It's about equidistant for me to bike there, and the manager there has mentioned the possibilty of having me work there. I would like to make money, but I would also like to have a vacation of sorts this year. The way things are shaping up, I might not be going to Banff at the end of the month.

Caitlin is done her soup now, so I guess we should get a movin' on home. I was expecting to find the Tolley clan here, but there was nobody, not even the mother to be here. She was discharged today, and the nurses didn't mention if she delivered or not. We'll make some phone calls when we get home.