Monday, October 13, 2008

Meeting with my folks

It was weird to think that I hadn't seen my parents in close to a year when we went to visit today, but the last time we visited was back in January for Ukrainian Chirstmas! We really don't have any excuse, because we have Elene now, and we visit the Tolleys at least twice a month, if not more! Plus, gas is dropping in price.

We were talking with our sister-in-law and got her excited for NaNoWriMo. She's going to sign up as soon as she can, and she's got an idea that she is going to be running with. She also lives quite close to the Strathcona library, so she might be heading over there for some events, when she's not buried in homework! Studies do come first. Still, it's awesome that we have someone else on board for the writing frenzy!

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